Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Power of Equinoxes and Solstices

Each year the Sun travels the sky, tracing out a large celestial circle. The two equinoxes (spring and fall) represent halfway points, where transitions between light and dark are made. The solstices symbolize the death/rebirth cycle, showing the high (summer) and low (winter) points of the Sun.

The Sun’s energy strengthens or weakens at each equinox and solstice, making them days charged with solar ritual and symbolism. Ancient monuments, like Stonehenge, were built to align with the Sun’s rays and power on these dates. The equinoxes and solstices are astronomical events, and celebrated by astronomers, astrologers, pagans and anyone who’s aware of the changing lifestyle the shifts in seasons bring.

The Sun’s seasonal shifts inspired some of the oldest calendars, being the original markers ancient peoples looked for to mark time. The dates for each equinox and solstice are calculated by the Sun entering each of the four Cardinal zodiac signs – Aries for the March equinox, Cancer for the June solstice, Libra fro the September equinox and Capricorn for the December solstice. These dates can vary slightly from year to year. In 2011, they are as follows (EST):

March Equinox, Sun into Aries: March 20
June Solstice, Sun into Cancer: June 21
September Equinox, Sun into Libra: September 23
December Solstice, Sun into Capricorn: December 22

The March equinox heralds the start of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. At this time, the Sun regains the strength lost through the winter, and now begins to supply more heat and light. This stimulates the Earth, encouraging seeds to grow and animals to mate.

At this time, the natural world begins to emerge from its wintery cocoon. You, like the animals and plants around you, are invited to meet the year ahead renewed. Many of the traditional spring symbols -- rabbits, eggs, flowers, seeds -- have been incorporated into the Easter holiday.

Both equinoxes symbolize balance, and the March equinox focuses on bringing balance into life through emerging, re-engaging with those around you and moving out into the world in wider circles, as the Sun climbs higher into the sky. Astrologically, the March equinox correlates with the sign of Aries, the first sign in the zodiac. This reinforces the increase in energy and activity at this time.

As the Sun moves past his halfway point and begins to reach for his highest place, so too does the March equinox encourage you to evolve, grow and go beyond your comfort zone and seek new ways in which to shine your light into the world.
Source: Astrology

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